Thursday, January 13, 2011

Activity-1 1-12-11Scientific Method

Talk about process regarding car that does not start, what do you do?

If my car will not start in cold weather I would call and ask my dad for help.  If he was available I would have him try and fix the car.  Some times it works to lightly push on the gas pedel to get some gasoline moving around in the car.  I would push on the gas while the car is safely in park.  I would try to start the car again and hope for the best.  If the car starts, I would let it idle for at least 10 minutes while the defrost was on. I would also clear any ice or snow that was on the vehicle.
What is the Scientific Method, explain the process and steps? 
The Scientific Method is a set of rules used to guide science, based on the idea that scientific "laws" be continuously tested, and replaced if found inadequate.  Scientific method refers to a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.
  • Ask a Question
  • Do Background Research
  • Construct a Hypothesis
  • Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
  • Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion
  • Communicate Your Results
  • State the Problem: What do you want to find out? Look at your problem and express it as a question. Be sure to make the problem as specific as possible.
  • Hypothesize: What do you think is the cause of your problem? Develop a logical answer to your problem; this will become your hypothesis. Your answer should include one explanation for the cause to your problem.
  • Plan Your Experiment: The goal of any experiment is to test a hypothesis. Determine your variable and control; then write a clear step-by-step procedure so that anyone can repeat the process of the experiment.
  • Make a Prediction: Using your hypothesis, make and record a prediction about the outcome of your experiment.
  • Gather and Organize Data: Determine what kinds of data you will collect. Will it be measurements, observations, or estimates? Will you use tables, graphs, or drawings to organize this data?
  • Analyze Data: Once you have collected your data, determine if you see any trends or patterns. Does the data support your hypothesis? Do you still need to collect additional information.
  • Conclude: Use your data to state your conclusion. Your data should either support your conclusion or lead you to another hypothesis. Have any new questions or problems developed?
Relate the scientific process to the experiment that you performed on surfaces and liquids.
For the experiment using different liquids on different surfaces I used the scientific process.  I asked a question, how will this liquid react on this surface? What if I add oil to the surface what will happen to the liquids now? I didnt do very much research for this experiment. I constructed a hypothesis about what I thought was going to happen.  I tested my hypothesis by doing the experiment.  I then analyzed my data and drew a conclusion.  I did ten different experienments and different hypothesis' and results for each one.  I communicated my result by writing about the experiment in my blog. 

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